Estructura de Desglose de Trabajo como herramienta para la Planificación de Proyectos
There is a project management tool such as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that ensures the investment thereof; it would be recommended implement mechanisms necessary in its application in future projects. At present the basic requirements in the proposals for work are not included these new tools such as WBS, because of their ignorance and lack of technical preparation of those who take the decisions in the allocation of the most important works. The WBS to define the project’s scope of work in terms of deliverables and further decomposition of these deliverables into component. The WBS is one of the main contributions to the projects management by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which is considered the most important project management professional association. On several occasions it has been experienced that the failure of projects is due to lack of management implementation thereof; such case, the importance of projects looking for its amount, without addressing the application of WBS. In assessing of the results describe the significance of the use the WBS at different stages of the projects, referring to what happens in planning, executing, controlling and closing. Have focused illustrations with different scenarios of the usefulness and benefits involving different criteria for projects for better interpretation. Finally, refers to other standards such as the PMI, standard practice for the programming, standard practice for the earn value management and corporate management maturity of model projects such as work related to the WBS.
Index Terms— Deliverables, work breakdown structure o WBS, work packages
2Departamento de Educación Física; Escuela Politécnica del Ejército, Sangolquí, Ecuador
3 Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito
4 Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, Escuela Politécnica del Ejército, Sangolquí, Ecuador;;
5 Proyect Management Professional (PMP certified by PMI) Master of Science in Project Anslysis, Finance&Investments, University of York, England.
6 MBA in Finance&Master of Science in Mangement Of Information Systems, University of Pittsburgh, USAR
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