Guía de requisitos de arquitectura bioclimática para el cantón Portoviejo


  • José Fabián Véliz Párraga
  • Dania González Couret
  • Elim Marianela Zambrano Martillo



The research tries to make a conceptual analysis of the bioclimatic architecture, preserving its importance for achieving a sustainable society through the appropriate use of indigenous resources, where high comfort and high constructive aesthetics is ensured. It briefly explains the concept of housing and synthetically analyzes the housing problem and the solutions adopted by man since the emergence of the human species until now. Cultural penetration of the major industrialized powers in constructive art of Latin American countries analyzed, where the overwhelming passage of modernity and penetration of technological development, threatens to erase any vestige of constructive cultural tradition, creating more dependency and inequality at the level of the society. The role of architecture as social work and responsibility to be assumed to environmental protection of the planet, seeking consideration of the environmental conditions, and exploitation at all costs the natural resources available in terms of environmental sustainability stands. It is offered as a result of the study, a group of technical recommendations set out so early, focused on ensuring the bioclimatic design of homes in the Canton Portoviejo.

Index Terms green architecture, local resources, renewable energy, hygrothermal comfort.


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