Factibilidad económica de la extensión de la red eléctrica. (Comunidades rurales de Chone).
Manabí's, Ecuador's province extends itself at Chone's municipality the electric long-distance grid bigger of 15 km for places mountainous to achieve to offer service of energy to the rural and difficult- access communities, existing another one sources of energy that can be used of punctual form at places moved away of the electric grid, existing potential of renewable sources of energy, that they find themselves available distributed at the territory that can be accepted the technical initiative of the microgrids in the distributed generation's mode, achieving with it to reduce losses and guaranteeing an electric service of quality. On-the-job a feasibility study becomes and the technical elements to make good use of the solar and wind potential for the generation of electricity, by means of systems once the grid was connected, autonomous system, pumping systems and public illumination.
Index Terms— Renewable energy potentials, rural electrification, energetic sustainable planning, territorial ordination..
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