La educación superior y la crisis ambiental
Education facing the environmental crisis
This paper presents a brief analysis of the environmental impact of the human species from its emergence and how they should pass this information on to college it is outlines of the evolution of the environmental impacts of human activity is shown to today showing the social dimension of the environmental crisis from the integrated perspective of sustainable development and the factors that demonstrate the global crisis situation where the university is able to insert in young people the knowledge and culture of what is happening today our planet referred to the environmental crisis.
An analysis of the actual options that man has created to cope with the environmental crisis and the tracks are set to launch a revolutionary new solutions from the higher education level is performed. At work mention of the five key environmental values on which to support sustainable development and the challenge posed to universities to keep appropriate through environmental education directed to sustainability knowledge is discussed.
Index Terms— Crisis of world system; higher education, environmental education, sustainable development.
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